Spatial and temporal information of agriculture, forest, topography, land use change, climate and socio-economic factors are very useful in the planning and implementation of Natural Resource Management (NRM) programs. Despite this relevance, quantitative information on these variables is not widely known at ground level due to unavailability of quality data and mapping techniques. The application of Remote Sensing for natural resource survey and mapping is gaining importance largely because of its ability to provide rapid and reliable data within a given time framework. GIS is emerging as an excellent tool for the management of large bodies of spatially extensive data with all the advantage of a computer environment. In this context, Water Practitioners Network (WPN) plans to organize a five day workshop designed to fulfill the growing need of digital mapping skills for natural resource management. This program is being conducted jointly by Society for Promotion of Westland Development (SPWD), Udaipur, Rajasthan and Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS), Bagli, Madhya Pradesh
The main purpose of the event is to transfer digital mapping skills to empower water practitioners as well as many other professionals working in the field of natural resource management. The course also attempts to introduce the participants with recent developments and features of digital mapping that could be incorporated in their area of work.
Date: 10th -14th October, 2019
Location: Udaipur , Rajasthan
Duration of the Workshop: Five (5) days
Expected Number of Participants: 30
Course Fees:FREE for all participants
Participants: NGO workers, professionals, researchers and students working in the field of Natural Resource Management in the western region of India.
Expected Background of Participants: Basic computer skills (Note: participants are required to bring their own laptop for the practical session)
How to apply: Interested people can apply by the filling the registration request form available on the WPN website
(Preference will be given to participants working in the Western region of India)
Travel and Accommodation: Boarding and lodging facilities will be arranged for all the participants on the sharing basis. Travel expenditures for the local travel, bus and tier-3 AC train fare by the shortest route will be reimbursed (providing original tickets is required)
- Water Practitioners Network
- Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development (SPWD), Udaipur
- Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS) , Madhya Pradesh
Resource Persons:
- Dr. Jagdish K. Purohit , SPWD , Udaipur , Rajasthan
- Mr. Jagadeesh Menon, SPWD , Udaipur, Rajasthan
- Dr. Jitendra Thakur , SPS, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh
Contact Persons:
Mr Jagadeesh Menon (Udaipur)
Mobile number:+91 9784542906
Mr Jitendra Thakur
Mobile number: +91 9685337106